MUA Cover and conceal VS NYC Liquid concealer.


Why, hello there...

MUA concealer, Natural, £1.50  /  NYC Concealer, Beige, £1 (pound shop)

Both of these concealers are so so cheap, but both so brilliant. I've had the MUA one for quite a few months now and I've still got a bit left. I haven't had the NYC one for as long, but I've used it as my every day concealer since I got it.
They both have their good points and not so good points, so lets get started!

1. The Applicator: The MUA one has an applicator similar to a lip gloss applicator so it's relatively small and doesn't pick up as much as the NYC one. The NYC one is a lot longer and more flexible which makes it really easy to apply.

2. Colour: I personally prefer my concealer to be a little bit lighter than my actual skin tone. This means it looks better on the dark areas around my eyes. The MUA one is a little bit lighter so it's great for around my eyes.

Left:: MUA  /  Right: NYC
3. Formula: MUA's formula is a bit lighter than NYC's. I do like lighter formulas but it does mean that it doesn't have a very heavy coverage. It's great for spots or blemishes but NYC covers up my under-eye circles perfectly.

Hopefully this has been useful!
Have you used either of these products? What's your favourite concealer?

Thanking you,



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  1. I think I'm gonna check these out in superdrug! X

  2. I wish these came in darker shades!


  3. I've nominated you for a Liebster Award :) The post is on my Blog :) xx

    1. i've already done the liebster award before! :( xx

  4. I love liquid concealers. They're so much easier to blend than other forms of concealer. I currently use a very cheap but effective one from Miss Sporty. It also has the lipgloss applicator which I really love.

  5. I'm actually looking for a new liquid concealer and the NYC ones looks promising!
    love victoriajanex
