Primark haul #2


Why, hello there...

I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that we now have an awesome Primark in Northampton. Although it is SO much bigger than our last one, I seem to spend all my money time in there, and this is the result of one of those trips.

I am a sucker for Primarks muti-packs of rings. I couldn't decide between these two so I got them both as I've thrown out a load of my old rings. These cost me £4.50 for 14 rings which isn't bad at all! 

Annoyingly enough I foudn my nail clippers when I got back home after buying these, but £1 for 3 different sized clippers is pretty good, so now I have a back up in case I loose one and these ones look quite pretty. And a bog standard hair brush for £1

I saw this T-Shirt on the manikin in the display and thought it looked really nice. The neck is a little tight for my liking buts it's great for lounging round the house in and it was only £4.

Just a little haul but I'm sure I'll be back in there again soon!

What have you bought from Primark recently?

Thanking you,



Want to see another Primark haul? Check out this one!

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  1. I am actually really disappointed in the new Primark - it still feels so squished in though an improvement on the old one. But I'll still travel over to MK! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

    1. I like the MK one too! Yeah but it does seem a lot tidier and there's a much better range than the old one xx

  2. The t-shirt is cool! I bought some nice pajamas in Primark last week and a few bits but not much to writehome about sadly!x

    1. glad you like it! I like the looks of some of their pyjama sets, I'll have to have another brows next time I'm there! xx

  3. I loveeee what you picked up and their packs of rings are so cute and such good value. I keep putting stuff down at the moment as it's too expensive really like £14 per top, what is happening :( xxx

    Blonde Of Carbs

    1. I know! I almost picked up a dress but it was £13 and for primark thats pretty expensive! xx
